- you can't do everything in five days
- what a bodega is
- bratwurst
- everyone is very busy
- [hasidic] jews love rules, funny hats and double strollers
- risotto is delicious
- fish are super cool
- phish is not super cool
- don't trust anything brandon wolcott says ;)
- wolf+lamb do not make water bottles
- have a biscuit
I had to get a little touristy while I was visiting the big apple, so here we go with a couple snaps from the city, queens, a drag show and some friends.
*you can view the full album here
Next stop was is the Wolf + Lamb Party that happened on Thursday with a ridiculous live techno set by Nicolas Jaar, including a live sax by Epstein... The music was amazing, the wolf+lamb warehouse is a masterpiece, set right downtown in Williamsburg with roof access, newly added hardwood flooring. There was an open PBR fridge, of which I indulged myself with a little bit too much, by 5am I was well done. Rawesome times guys thanks!
unt some sexy video from the party

On Friday I played my first set EVER (played on LIVE too) at this bangin house party: the Tijuana Wedding
I played some dance rockish stuff for the premier johnElectric set... aptly everything that could go wrong pretty much did as far as the sound went. The sub kept going out and we had a couple noise complaints. I was asked to play Brtiney Spears and some old school hip-hop. Had a little beer spilled on my laptop, a pinada broken over it, and some rocks thrown I think... I don't know. We faked a riot and had a real priest marry multiple people at once... it got pretty krunky, real quick. THANKS MISHA for letting me do this, It was terrible fun!
If you guys really want I'll post up the set... The tracks are great but due to all of the technical difficulties the mix itself is a little shotty.
After that we hit up the Raster Noton Showcase as part of the Bunker at Galapagos. This music was absolutely ridiculous! All hardware --sounds that were indescribable.... definitely one of the musical highlights of my trip. These videos are a must see for you experimental / headfunk lovers. +3 VIDEOS ON VIMEO HERE+ also a few pictures available for your viewing pleasure :here:
I'd mentioned some amazing street art around Williamsburg, I've compiled some of it into a slide show, the full album is available :here:
Pretty rawesome.
Damnit Brooklyn, you've really capitulated my heart, I literally cried while pulling out of the flight dock. I know, god johnny don't be such an emo. But whatever, I had a great time, the people I met were wholesome, the sounds were amazing and the art was tantalizing. Special thanks to Brandon (Smirk) for inviting me out and giving me a place to stay; And to Zev and Gadi (Wolf+Lamb), SM+Eti and Michael White for inviting me to their amazing home, you people are truly special and I sincerely hope this will not be our last encounter. Also to Julian, who met me in Queens after getting dropped off at the airport in a city I've never visited on my own. And who could forget Kate? We became closer friends while out there, can't wait to have you back here.
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