Jul 1, 2008


INDIENS are IN. Heres some music I thought you indiens might enjoi.

Lets start with one of the classics --Bumblebee Unlimited. Thanks to Jalepeno for rockin this track out at Analog Space and making me fall in love again!

Bumblebee Unlimited - Ladybug (Won't You Be My)

Swiss lovers Gina + Tony have been putting together haunting electric covers of songs from the 21st century they're calling it "Moonpop." This particular track is a redo of a song by Horace Heidt done in the 1950s.

Gina & Tony - I Don't Want to Set the World On Fire

This is a remix by my good buddy CacheFlowe, its currently my favorite track by him.

A Shoreline Dream & Ulrich Schnauss - NeverChanger (CacheFlowe remix) (320) !!!

Yeah? You like that? Dubstep infused hipster mashes.... THE FUTURE!!! Also by CacheFlowe + PlasticSoundSupply

Scaffolding - Rebuild (CacheFlowe Remix)

Its a little bit less hipster runoff a little more IDM --but still an amazing track and def worth listening to. It was recently featured on XLR8R.

A shout out to DiscoDust + Hot Buscuits for always being on top and digging out these gems that have been rocking my play lists of recent.

My favorite artists remix each other, and whodathunk? I'm in love.

Busy P - To Protect and Entertain (Crookers Remix)

All I can say is Shiiiiiiiit.....
Also Hail Social did a redo that makes my rump shake like it knows it made in the 80s

Hail Social - No Paradise (Diamond Cut Rebuff)


It's probably old news like Paris Hilton's vagina but heres a dancier, lighter version of Stress by Justice that I heard dropped on the dancefloor the other day, I have to admit, I went pretty crazy. Oh, Justice!

Justice - Stress (Auto Remix)

Word bird. Well enjoi the music, take a sec and vote for my nu moniker if you feel inclined.